Sightsavers stories

“Now my sight has improved, I hope to earn more”

Maria smiles in front of house with a thatched roof.

Maria was struggling to make a living because she had advanced trachoma. With the help of Sightsavers trachoma elimination project in Zimbabwe, Maria was able to get an eye operation to restore her vision, return to work as a basket weaver and support her family.  

“My eyes were painful and I could not do my everyday work because of the pain. Some eyelashes had grown into my eyes [this happens after repeated bouts of the trachoma infection]. I felt as though there was something prickling in my eyes. They were very painful.

“Life was very difficult for my children. At times they could go the whole day without eating because I could not move around to look for food for them. It was so painful to helplessly watch my children cry because of hunger.

“It was very painful during the operation, but after the removal of the bandage, the pain gradually subsided. My sight is improving; I feel happy because I’m now able to do my household chores. If someone asks me to do a piece job in exchange for food, I can do it.

Maria weaving baskets outside her home in Zimbabwe. She was able to return to work after a successful operation for advanced trachoma.
Basket weaving is not complicated. I do it as a way of earning a living for my children.
Maria weaving baskets outside her home in Zimbabwe. She was able to return to work after a successful operation for advanced trachoma.

“I’m now able to go to the borehole to fetch water unescorted and do my other household chores without any assistance. That is the improvement that I have experienced since then.

“Now that my sight has improved, I hope to get more income from my weaving activities (one should have good eyesight in order to produce baskets with neat patterns).

“Basket weaving is not complicated at all. I do it because there is no other activity that I can do which can bring food on the table for my children. I do it as a way of earning a living for my children.

“I look forward to building a good house for myself; a house built of bricks and zinc.

“What brings me joy is the hope that as my children are going to school, one day they will pass [their examinations], be prosperous and look after me. I will be a happy person in life.”

Images © Sightsavers/Jason Mulikita

Maria holds a young child while standing next to a teenage girl.
What brings me joy is the hope that as my children are going to school, one day they will be prosperous.
Maria holds a young child while standing next to a teenage girl.

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