Annual reports: Sightsavers Ireland

Every summer, we publish a full annual report and financial statement for the previous year. Download PDF versions of our reports below.

See the amazing things we achieved in 2024

Read the immersive story

Annual report 2023

We’re incredibly proud of what Sightsavers achieved in 2023, a year that also marked Sightsavers Ireland’s 20th anniversary. Despite working in a difficult and, at times, turbulent political and economic environment, Sightsavers delivered impressive results that saw a considerable improvement on 2022.

In 2023, we carried out almost 10 million eye examinations in 16 countries and supported ministries of health in 12 countries to deliver more than 60 million treatments for five neglected tropical diseases. We worked closely with the governments of Benin and Mali as they celebrated the incredible milestone of eliminating trachoma as a public health problem.

We also continued to advocate for disability rights, and our campaigning work saw more than 48,000 people sign our petition calling for urgent action to get the Sustainable Development Goals back on track.

Read Sightsavers’ 2023 global annual report

Read the global report

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