How Sightsavers is run

Everything we do is geared towards a world where avoidable blindness is eliminated, and everyone has equal opportunities to learn, earn and be happy.

Arif (left), with his mother and sister, took part in Sightsavers' Seeing is Believing project in Bangladesh. © Sightsavers/Reza Shahriar Rahman

Our ultimate aim is to help build a world where organisations like Sightsavers are no longer needed.

That means we want to achieve our aims so spectacularly that local governments in Africa and Asia can deliver sustainable, inclusive services without our support.

We can only get there thanks to the continued generosity of our loyal staff, partners and supporters. In return, we aim to be as transparent and accountable as possible so you can be sure your money is being used wisely.

To help Sightsavers achieve its aims, we have published thematic strategies covering the areas in which we work, explaining our approach and how we plan to achieve our goals. Read our strategy documents

Our charity number

Sightsavers Ireland is registered with the Charities Regulator, and our charity number is 20053246.
Visit Charities Regulator website

Charities Regulator logo.

We’re committed to keeping people safe

Our approach to safeguarding

How we spend your money

Safia has her eyes examined by a health worker to check for signs of trachoma.

For every €1 we receive, including donated supplies, 91% goes on our vital charity work.

The remainder helps us grow awareness and our funding.

Our financial reports

Every gift you give is vital in achieving Sightsavers’ goals of eliminating avoidable blindness and promoting equality for all.

Your donations have enabled us, during our history, to distribute 667 million treatments to protect against river blindness, provide 9.2 million sight-restoring cataract operations, and support more than 342,000 people with disabilities to live independently.

We do our best to spend wisely, and that means finding the best solutions, which aren’t always the cheapest. We ensure we have good financial management, we make sure the changes we secure are long term, and we don’t cut corners.

We make sure our funds go as far as possible: we’re required to show we’ve met quality standards for all operational spending. Each year we publish a full annual report and financial statement, which provides more detailed information about where your money goes.

We think it’s money well spent, and we hope you do too.

We promise to put our beneficiaries first

Our fundraising promise

Global management

Sightsavers is governed by boards in nine countries.

Each of the boards is responsible for maintaining a high standard of corporate governance, overseeing everything we do and making sure the organisation stays on track, spends money wisely and achieves its goals.

Find out more about our global board and those in the US, India, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Nigeria, Norway, Sweden and Zambia.

We also have a global management team that consists of 15 people drawn from across the organisation, including regional directors and senior staff.

This management team oversees many of Sightsavers’ day-to-day operational matters, to make sure we’re working as efficiently as possible.

Sightsavers team member Meg McElwee working at her computer in the Dublin office.

Meet the team

Our Irish team is based in Dublin, working on fundraising, public engagement and communications.

Read their biographies

We’re committed to inclusion in the workplace

Sightsavers and inclusion

Accountability and transparency

To achieve our goals, we depend on our supporters and donors, who provide us with funding, and our partners, with whom we design and implement our programmes.

Through building strong relationships with these stakeholders, we are able to change people’s lives in the countries in which we work. We believe we need to be accountable to our stakeholders if we are to maintain their trust and support: to achieve this, we openly share information about our performance, our organisation and our policies.

Sightsavers has been a member of Accountable Now (formerly the INGO Accountability Charter) since 2011.

We continue to support the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact Communication on Engagement, covering human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Read our statement

A volunteer records stats on a chart.

Our performance

We aim to be as transparent as possible about how we operate.

Learn how we do this

How we set salaries

A close-up of two people shaking hands.

Our policy is to ensure that remuneration offered to staff is competitive with other organisations in the areas where we work, to ensure we can recruit and retain staff.

A close-up of a woman's hand holding a pen as she signs a document.

The salary level of all staff is externally benchmarked. Sightsavers Ireland aims to set salaries at the median level compared with similar jobs in the charity sector.

Want to know more about how we’re run?

Contact us