Donate in memory of a loved one

When you give a gift to Sightsavers to remember someone you love, you will be helping to make a life-changing difference to someone at risk of sight loss.

Seven-year-old Luyando from Zambia has her bandages removed after cataract surgery. © Sightsavers/Hudson Chirwa

If you’re thinking about ways to remember someone special, we wish you sincere condolences on your loss.

Thank you for considering a gift to Sightsavers: we know how special an in-memory donation can be. We’re always touched to receive these gifts, and would be honoured to help you celebrate the life of your loved one.

Your donation will make an immediate and lasting difference: it will help us restore people’s sight, transforming their lives and giving them hope for the future.

Why donate in memory?

Create a lasting tribute

Sightsavers can help you create a meaningful tribute to remember someone special. Giving in their name will ensure their generosity and kindness lives on.

Remember a loved one

We’ll keep the name of your loved one in our book of remembrance at Sightsavers, to remember them always, record the donation and acknowledge their impact.

Help us transform lives

We are privileged to talk to the families of people who have supported our work, often for many years. We let them know the huge impact of this support.

How will it make a difference?

Through your donation in their name, your loved one will be helping to make miracles happen, giving the gift of sight to so many people.

Sightsavers records every operation and treatment given in the countries where we work. If you give to us in memory, we are able to let you know what a difference your donation can make. Be assured your donation in memory will  transform the lives of people around the world: read some of their stories below.

Young girl Luyando smiles while chasing bubbles outside her home.

“It was wonderful seeing Luyando smile”

Before having cataract surgery, Luyando struggled at school and missed out on playing with her friends. Now, thanks to our supporters, Luyando’s life is transformed. She is no longer shy and withdrawn, her smile has returned and she’s beaming and full of energy.
Read Luyando’s story

A man wearing sunglasses smiles with his two happy grandchildren.

“Now I can work to support my family”

Father and grandfather Sardar from Pakistan is the main breadwinner in his family, and faced an uncertain future when he developed cataracts. After having his eyes checked at an eye camp organised by Sightsavers, he was able to have life-changing surgery, enabling him to return to work.
Read Sardar’s story

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How do I give in memory?

Donate by phone

To give a gift in memory by phone, call our supporter care manager Michael on 01 230 0059.

He can answer any questions you may have and will confirm the details of the person you’d like to remember, then will talk you through the donation process. Michael also welcomes enquiries by email on [email protected]

Donate by post

Send a cheque or postal order, payable to Sightsavers, to:
305 The Capel Building
Mary’s Abbey
Dublin 7, D07 RD25

Please add a note to mark it as a donation in memory, and include the name of the person you’d like to remember.

The impact of our work

A white and yellow icon representing an eye with cataracts. The pupil and iris are covered with dashed yellow lines.

In the past 70 years, Sightsavers has carried out nearly 8.8 million cataract operations

We’ve helped to train more than 8,800 staff in eye health, inclusion or education

And we’ve given out more than 6 million pairs of glasses to help people see more clearly

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Contact us for more on donating in memory

We realise this is an important decision, so please get in touch if you have any questions – we’d love to hear from you.

Contact Michael on 01 230 0059 or email [email protected]

More ways to get involved: leave a gift in your will

Learn about legacy gifts