Martina Parker took part in the First Light for Sight challenge in January 2023 and raised more than €8,000 for Sightsavers Ireland.
Owen Campbell took part in the First Light for Sight challenge in January 2023 and raised more than €10,000 for Sightsavers Ireland.
In Singida, an inclusive eye health programme has made eye care services more affordable, sustainable and equitable. Here, four people involved with the project share their stories.
In Nigeria and Kenya, two innovative education projects are enabling children with disabilities to reach their potential.
Since 2012, Sightsavers has been using smartphones to collect high-quality data, so that countries can effectively map the disease and focus their elimination efforts.
Dr Moira Chinthambi received a Sightsavers scholarship to train as an ophthalmologist and now works on our inclusive eye health programme in Malawi.
Alinafe Zaina is studying clinical ophthalmology in Malawi with the help of a scholarship provided by Sightsavers’ inclusive eye health programme.
We’re working with partners in Cameroon and Senegal to ensure people with disabilities are able to take part in every stage of the political process.
We’re working with partners in Kenya to give young people the skills and practical experience they need to begin a career in IT.
We’re working with governments in Uganda and Malawi to improve access to quality eye care services and prevent avoidable blindness.
© 2025 Sightsavers. Registered charity number 20053246